The Art of Paradox in Couple and Family Therapy - 8 CE Workshop
  8 Hours, 0 Minutes   
Previously Recorded
   Eliot Yisroel Kaplan, PhD, LCSW

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Webinar Description

The Art of Paradox in Couple and Family Therapy (8 CE Workshop)

This is an 8-session, 8-hour class


Session 1: Previously Recorded
Session 2: Previously Recorded
Session 3: Previously Recorded
Session 4: Previously Recorded
Session 5: Previously Recorded
Session 6: Previously Recorded
Session 7: Previously Recorded
Session 8: Recording in Progress


Paradoxical interventions are known for being counterintuitive and contradicting conventional wisdom. The approach is known for effectively working with difficult clients and bypassing treatment resistance. Historically, the method was used by master therapists including Milton Erickson, Salvador Minuchin, Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir, and others. Due to its seemingly counter-intuitive and nonlinear nature, the method was considered an unexplainable mystery. However, this webinar will reveal the logic that directs the process and the 'method behind the madness. 

The approach is famous for 'prescribing the symptom', 'positive reframing', and 'symptom exaggeration. It is known for influencing rapid change in the 'hard to treat' client including the  borderline personality, eating disorders, and other repetitive rigid type behaviors. This training will focus on addressing couple and family conflict. The webinar will include videos and case examples. 


Paradoxical Interventions is an alliance-attachment-based approach that builds on the work of Carl Rogers, Fritz Perls, and Milton Erickson. However, it goes one step further. It also incorporates the unexpected absurdity of 'Bugs Bunny' type humor. It is this absurdity that often destabilizes the client's status-quo assumptions and allows him to become open to new experiences and explore new behavior. The approach has been described as: amazing, disarming, humorous, mysterious, and provocative. While those who focus on 'trying to change behavior' may consider it to be complicated, once it is understood that the central focus is on the alliance and attachment, the approach is actually unexpectedly simple. This seminar is ‘a must’ for any clinician who wants to challenge his own assumptions and expectations of therapy. 


Addresses treatment of 

Couple Family Conflict 

Discussion of theory and technique to address the above,


Dr. Eliot Yisroel Kaplan is the author of 'Paradox Psychology - It's Not What You Think', and is the founder of The Asylum for Paradox Psychology, NYC. Although quite effective, paradoxical interventions have always been considered a mystery. However, his book is able to explain the process of how the method works. In addition, he also clearly explains the difference between paradoxical interventions, and it's 'evil twin' - Reverse Psychology. The approach is effective with 'hard to treat' clients (including Addictions, Borderline, OCD, and PTSD Trauma) as it is able to consistently bypass treatment resistance.


Each session is recorded. Earn 8 CE Credits.

Session 1: 

February 9th, 2023 12:00  PM EST

20 min: Intro to the Basics – Paradox in Couple and Family Therapy

Carl Rogers –Warmth, Empathy, Genuineness, Avoid Power Struggles

  Acceptance, Unconditional Positive Regard / Use of Self 

Fritz Perls – Here & Now

Bugs Bunny–Use Humor & Absurdity to destabilize client equilibrium

 15 min: Review Technique: Predicting behavior

 10 min: Case Video: Son Manipulates Mom

 15 min: Case Discussion and questions


Session 2:

February 16th, 2023 12:00 PM EST

5 min: Address participant comments, questions, cases from previous session

15 min Main Topic – Entering the System changes the System

                   Bringing Simplicity into Couple / Family work 

15 min Theory – Attachment / Alliance / Acceptance

10 min Case Video: Linda and Jerry Ready for divorce

15 min Case Discussion and questions


Session 3:

February 23rd, 2023 12:00 PM EST

5 min: Address participant comments, questions, cases from previous session

15 min Main Topic – Paradox vs Reverse Psychology

                 The big mistake clinicians make

15 min Technique: Prescribing the Symptom

10 min Case Example: Donna and Kenny -

15 min Case Discussion and questions


Session 4:

March 2nd, 2023 12:00 PM EST

5 min: Address participant comments, questions, cases from previous session

15 min Main Topic – Win-Win Double Binds for the Lose-Lose Couple

15 min Technique: ReFraming the Symptom

10 min Case Video: Turning the tables – Absurd Intervention

15 min Case Discussion and questions


Session 5:

March 9th, 2023 12:00 PM EST

5 min: Address participant comments, questions, cases from previous session

15 min Main Topic – Attachment and Abandonment in couples work

15 min Theory – Orbits – Gravity Model to explain process of change

10 min Video – Diagraming Change

15 min Case Discussion and questions


Session 6:

March 16th, 2023 12:00 PM EST

5 min: Address participant comments, questions, cases from previous session

15 min Main Topic – Influencing / Motivating Free-will Change

15 min Technique – Planning / Predicting the Symptom

10 min Case Video (1 of 3) Live intervention – Juvenile Residential 

15 min Case Discussion and questions


Session 7:

March 23rd, 2023 12:00 PM EST

5 min: Address participant comments, questions, cases from previous session

 15 min Main Topic – Therapist Agenda causes subtle Power Struggle

 15 min Tech: Cognitive Ordeal – turns problem behavior into a ‘job’

 10 min Case Video (2 of 3) Live intervention – Juvenile Residential 

 15 min Case Discussion and questions


 Session 8:

March 30th, 2023 12:00 PM EST

5 min: Address participant comments, questions, cases from previous session

 15 min: Main Topic-Therapist shouldn’t be working hard / Astronomer

 15 min: Technique: Contracting For Success

 10 min: Case Video (3 of 3) Live intervention – Juvenile Residential 

 15 min: Case Discussion and final questions


Webinars included in this package:

The Art of Paradox in Couple and Family Therapy (Session 1)

The Art of Paradox in Couple and Family Therapy (Session 2)

The Art of Paradox in Couple and Family Therapy (Session 3)

The Art of Paradox in Couple and Family Therapy (Session 4)

The Art of Paradox in Couple and Family Therapy (Session 5)

The Art of Paradox in Couple and Family Therapy (Session 6)

The Art of Paradox in Couple and Family Therapy (Session 7)

The Art of Paradox in Couple and Family Therapy (Session 8)

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