6 CEs



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Webinar Description

As Mindfulness continues to be an increasingly popular form of mental health treatment, it is pertinent to consider ways to engage these interventions from a trauma-informed perspective. Research identifies that use of mindfulness can reduce trauma-related symptoms, depending on the amount of mindfulness minutes practiced per week (Kelly & Garland, 2016).  

While research largely focuses on the benefits of these interventions in treatment, it is particularly critical to equally observe the risks of practices with clients who experience trauma-related disorders and symptoms. In some instances, it may even be retraumatizing to explore this level of connectedness to the body without first establishing the presence of safety (Treleaven, & Britton, 2018). 

To address this issue, this training will focus on understanding mindfulness and trauma as they relate to benevolent and effective treatment; highlight the benefits and risks of utilizing mindfulness practices to increase sensory awareness in clients who experience trauma; explore and demonstrate use of trauma-informed interventions with other treatment modalities; and, identify ways to skillfully utilize mindfulness interventions to promote effective skill use.

Participants will gain the knowledge and skills to screen for traumatic events through evidence-based assessments, exploring the client's "window of tolerance" to provide a more personalized and effective approach to treatment. Research demonstrates that trauma-informed mindfulness interventions play a pivotal  role in reducing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and enhancing overall mental well-being (Boyd et al., 2017). Mindfulness-based interventions are associated with a remarkable 50% reduction in trauma-related symptoms (Treleaven & Britton, 2018).

Additionally, participants will learn various trauma-informed mindfulness techniques, including observation and grounding exercises, which have been empirically proven to help clients regulate emotional responses and mitigate the impact of trauma-related symptoms. Practitioners will be equipped to guide clients in developing a trauma-informed mindfulness routine that becomes a cornerstone of their therapeutic journey, promoting healing and resilience.

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