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Solutions-Focused Brief Therapy! 

February 16, 2020

Live Webinar


Solutions-Focused Brief Therapy! 

Solutions-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) principles have been applied to situations as diverse as, school settings, couples therapy, drug abuse, and suicide prevention programs. Unlike classical psychotherapists, SFBT practitioners don’t go looking at a client’s past to search for the root of the problem. Instead they ask a series of questions. They help their clients find out what is going right and build on those successes. The simple yet profound methods of SFBT have been shown to be effective in working with even highly dysfunctional clients and families.

This interactive webinar will familiarize you with the principles of SFBT and give you the basic tools to start using this method immediately with clients.

(Trainer, Jeffrey Davidson, LCSW-C, LICSW has been the Director of CE You! since 2010. His prior experience includes Treatment Foster Care Program management, Adult Medical Day Care management, nearly two decade of experience as a Maryland State certified clinical Supervisor, and many years of direct clinical services. Jeffrey has employed solutions-focused therapy in a diversity of settings including, psychiatric in-patient programs and services to older adults.)

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